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The Third Eye

The most important, the most exciting and the most ignored part of the human body: the third eye. All beings have one, however, for most the third eye is closed. It can be shut for many reasons: some people never exercised it, some had damaged it, some have been traumatized, while others have deliberately closed it before their rebirth into a new body. Before we can discuss the existence of the third eye, we must understand what it is first and why (and how) it can be accessed.

The third eye is referenced in many ancient cultures all around Earth throughout known time. Gurus, mystics and psychics refer to it as the ‘higher sensor’ and use it to peer into an invisible world, look to distant physical locations, see and interact with energetic beings, or even across timelines and realities. It’s our astral form’s sensor, its own ‘energy version’ of eyes. When we astrally travel (or astral project), we use the third eye to perceive the marvellous universe around us in greater depths than what our physical senses can achieve. This is when the third eye is most active, but it is possible to use it when we are in our physical forms. Though, it maybe difficult to open when awake and fully discern what information it’s detecting from our surroundings, it’s always active to a tiny degree.

Humans are natural born psychics, but we aren’t aware of these gifts and often ignore this other reality because – to our minds – it’s immaterial. If we conclude something doesn’t exist, or cannot, then it mustn’t. The universe thinks otherwise. Some people have access to their third eyes to various degrees, those who have it moderately open would be branded as ‘psychics.’ However, if we were to have full access to it (while in our physical forms), our limited brains would likely go into information overload. There are some instances where people have had complete access to their third eyes situations, say life-or-death, but that wouldn’t last long, comparable to an adrenal rush.

If the third eye can be opened in the physical form, then where would it be located? There’s a place for our eyes, our ears, nose, etc., but the third eye, though meta-physical, is nowhere to be seen. Pun intended. There is a small area deep beneath the skull, resting inside the centre of the brain, a lump of tissue that researchers call the pineal gland. Its physical responsibility is to produce serotonin and melatonin that aid in stabilising sleep for the body, but it’s far more than that. The pineal gland is the doorway to another dimension of our forms, our astral selves and higher consciousness. That’s where we really are: our souls who command our brains that pilot our bodies to interact with the physical universe. Humans can live well enough with extreme brain damage, like missing massive chunks of tissue or have their mass penetrated by nails or bullets, but if that affects the pineal gland: then death is a certainty.

When the third eye is opened, it would be roughly in the centre of the forehead, hence the name. Some sensitives can see other’s third eyes glowing when they’re opened, or sealed shut. In my years of contact with extra-terrestrials, they have been trained and are knowledgeable in the psychic and energetic parts of the body. They told me that a functioning third eye allows for psionics, psychic power and detection, and the user can alter their sensor to perceive different things. Say a reader wanted to see a living being’s aura, they tune their third eye to focus on their bio-field, or if they wanted to enter their mind, they can tune that sensor.

It may sound simple, but it can take a lifetime to control opening their third eye – how can humans possibly have that kind of time to access it? Well, throughout our history, certain animals (like cats, owls, etc.) can perceive things to a higher degree than people. Yes, it’s partly due to their finer physical senses, but cats have been known to see paranormal beings. If they can, why can’t we? In the beginning, one will have to learn how to calm their mind, ignore their other physical senses and focus on heightening and lightening their mind. The brain struggles to receive the third eye’s information because of its multi-planar nature, but it is an extremely adaptable organic machine.

‘I am a spirit inhabiting a physical form. My spirit is the real me; my body a host,’ is my mantra when I need to strengthen my third eye. This was taught to me by my E.T. contacts - with my own added twist to it to avoid alien copyright laws! They have told me we must remember that we are spirits, astral forms, souls – whatever you may call it – that all beings have the same essence but appear in different bodies. Once we have an acceptance to these higher senses, then we will see that we are all the same.

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