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Multiverses and Parrallel Universes

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What do those mean? How can we possibly understand these concepts in pressed two-dimensional markings on a page? Those words are limited because we are, but that yearn to know the all keeps up pushing – that's our strength. The question often appears in our minds is 'what's beyond this universe? Is there another layer/s that are invisible to us that exist side-by-side with our universe?' The simple answer is: yes, the more complicated one needs a few hundred hours of sit-down time to divulge. Humans have only just started trek to learn about the universe, but there are other beings who have had the time to learn most of it.

In my twenty-odd years of living, I've been acquainted with a few of these extra-terrestrials that had some of this knowledge via telepathic communication. I've learned about their cultures, the births of their civilizations, their home worlds and their social-political standings between each other. There are millions of star-faring species that exist throughout the physical universe alone, and some of them have discovered many of her secrets in their long lives. Some of this scientific knowledge I've been told, thought I will be the first to admit my ability to totally comprehend every facet of their discoveries is limited.

One must consider when learning from these beings, who think and behave differently to us, is the amount of information that can be successfully passed through. Let me explain: when I ask my contacts to tell me about what they know about the multiverse, the person may not have expertise in that subject, most of them would have better knowledge on social and cultural subjects. Even if they may have an answer to my queries, they must translate telepathically through three ways: emotional, visual and language. Sometimes my contacts don't know English (my most acquainted language) and have to refocus their knowledge through only two means. Because of this: sometimes accurate information gets mistranslated or lost. Once it does arrive, my mind must unpack and connect the concepts to ideas that I can understand, and ultimately, make words to communicate that across here. Though mere seconds can pass for that answer to arrive, it can take years for me to fully understand it.

I am not a mathematician, nor a physicist, but because I wanted to know the higher mysteries of the multiverse and all matter woven inside, I was compelled to do my own research and learn from those who had that scientific background. My E.T. contacts never said they were going to make it easy, if I want to know something from them, they make me work for it so I get everything they want to say. Every so often the answers to questions I had asked, or never even considered asking, clicked in place. This is what happened when I learned about the multiverse.

While still in my teenage years, E.T.s had already told me a lot about their many peoples and how some beings had explored outside this physical plane and some who had come from different universes entirely. “So, there's more to this place (universe) that we can see?” I asked one of my contact and friend, Mezreth.

“There is so much more than what your (corporeal beings) senses tell you. They allow for your bodies to survive, not have total cosmic awareness,” he said.

“You're saying our senses aren't to be trusted?” I asked.

“Consider this question instead: what is there that I cannot see? That question propelled us to get answers.”

Mezreth isn't like my other physical contacts, he isn't even physical at all. His people had lived so long that they eventually shed their corporeal forms and had become energy that can take shape into anything they desire and travel across galaxies as if they were visiting the next town. Mezreth can even choose to be physical by hitting the right frequency of matter to interact with this plane. This connection opened me up to another question: if there are specific frequencies for objects I can interact with, then how many frequencies are there for objects I can't? Where are they? Do they exist in another layer of the universe that shares the same space as we do? Do these objects and possibly beings know about us and would they perceive us as higher mysteries to them? Aren't we also extra-dimensional beings too?

Cintas, another extra-terrestrial contact, was once an exo-planar explorer. Sounds like it's a lot of fun, but she would do majority of her explorations by looking through a scope into an empty pocket of space in a laboratory and tune her device to peer into the infinite planes inside it. When she discovered a new plane, she would note down which frequency coordinates that can be implemented in their ships to travel to when they phase. Well, at least she had a lot of fun doing it. Cintas has the best understanding of the multiverse above all others I've met, barring Mezreth, she taught me a lot about the bizarre nature of space, and the dimensional and planar layers.

According to Cintas: space planes are pieces of fabric. If you are large enough, you can sit on top of it and roll around freely across one of it's plane, but if you're small enough, say the size of a particle, you can fall through the tiny gaps inside that fabric. There are millions,billions, trillions of layers of those planes, and sometimes those little particles can catch on the fabric and become larger, are now able to roll around on that plane ,and so on and on. Cintas considers these planes to be sitting along a spectrum that go infinitely in opposite directions, all of them vibrate a special frequencies to be able to interact or even detect. Where as dimensions are structural aspects of the universe, going by the fabric analogy, one dimension of that would be the thickness of the fabric and so on. All beings interact with more than one frequency and plane, that's why naturally sensitive people can perceive more than just the one they're sitting in. I asked Cintas if extra-terrestrial scientists ever discovered the plane spectrum's edge.

“Certainly not. We are always trying to improve our equipment to find more aspects – we don't know everything. I am a scientist because I don't know.” she said.

“Does anyone?” I asked.

“Maybe, but if anyone comes and tells you that they have all the answers, they are ignorant at best; liars at worst!”

If there are seemingly infinite planes in this universe, what about the space outside it? How far does that stretch across? If Cintas and other extra-terrestrials don't know for certain – then neither will we. My contacts have spoken about what happens beyond this universe, and again, there are layers there too. One of these layers are parallel universes, also known as alternate realities, that are 'fraternal twins' of our home universe. They aren't perfect duplicates, there's something in each universe that makes them unique to the next one. This can be as big as universal atrophy (instead of having planets, stars and galaxies, its a combination of gases), all the way to something small as an animal choosing to walk in another direction. Going by this description from my contacts, this implies that universes are constantly splitting and being made from another one, as if they were cells dividing in a gargantuan organism.

There is no number invented to count how many parallel universes there are, but extra-terrestrials have managed to create categories for every type of unique universes. If there are small differences from this one, say a seedling didn't grow into a tree, that universe would be placed 'closest' to ours. Then it would expand to something larger, like an asteroid struck into a planet and obliterated it, then it would be 'further.' Cintas says the furthest universes that they are aware of, are the ones where they exist in a different time – some even having no time – all existing in unison. Right now in another reality, Europeans had just discovered the Americas, or humanity has gone through First Contact and we are traveling to other planes, or even Atlantis is being destroyed in the same moment while reading this article.

This opens up the discussion of time travel. If there are some universes that have a different time to them, then it's not impossible to time travel. Extra-terrestrials and extra-dimensionals have been dabbling with this for a very long time. Mezreth and Cintas say that if one were to travel to another universe that is lagging a century behind ours and made changes there, it wouldn't effect anything here – only there. It's also possible to pull objects from that 'past' universe and bring them into this one too. To achieve this, or even sending an object out, the fabric of our universe and opposing one would need to be torn. However, among the interstellar community, dabbling with time (both in this universe and others) is viewed as dangerous and chaotic. Mezreth has told me that there are large sections of space that have been so badly disrupted by experiments to open these universal rifts, that they have been boarded up to stop people from going there. When I asked him why it was so dangerous, he said:

“There are billions of unopened doors around you. When you begin opening them, sometimes they can be greener pastures; sometimes they hold seas away. If you open the wrong door: water will come in, it will flood and eventually drown everything caught in it.”

I guess some extra-terrestrials learned the hard way.

After being introduced to the wild nature of the multiverse, I quickly realised another danger attached to this knowledge: our insignificance. Measuring everything an individual or race achieves in their lifetime is meaningless to the universe and beyond. Considering how massive this place is and how our lives and struggles are barely blink, what's the point? Why keep pushing forward? It's like we don't matter at all.

When my thoughts traveled to those dark places, Mezreth would laugh and tell me, “in this place, if you are made of matter; you do matter.”

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