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Calling all Homo Novis

There are newcomers to this world, they go to work, celebrate with their friends, have awkward dinner with their families and get parking tickets. Some of these newcomers don't even know how different they are among the ol' homo sapien sapien.

These newcomers come from the outside, come from well beyond this solar system, Their history doesn't entirely share with the mainstream, their true history is far richer and deeper.

These newcomers sometimes know of their interstellar heritage, sometimes they get to visit their ancestors on other worlds. While on Earth, they have different ages, genders, ethnicity, cultures, languages, income brackets, careers, passions and personality - but up there, they're all the same.

These newcomers have thousands of different traits that make them masters of their chosen fields, but the one thing in common that they all share is a sense of purpose. It's an itch that can never be relieved, no matter how hard they scratch, no matter how much lotion to masque the discomfort. If they try to ignore it, the pain gets worse until it eventually one's whole form becomes numb. This itch exists to remind us to act.

I call to these newcomers that we must begin acting, matter how hard or risky it is. Because one day we will ask ourselves in the near future what did we newcomers do to improve the welfare for all humanity and beings sharing this world.

Welcome to this website.

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